Sunday, February 18, 2007

my dear friends

my computer is dead, on the eve of CNY


i am very sad now

i will be happy to accept donations of any kind

*this post is typed using chaksang's keyboard

Thursday, February 15, 2007

went to queensway after work with rong and kok to shop for clothes for cny.

however, we wlk around the whole building andwent home empty handed.



reached home at around 12 midnight.

drank with gordon till now.

finished the left over chivas and 1/2 dozen of carlberg.

this is my valentine's day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

whats the point now?

no point.

no point!

no point!!!

its valentine's day

lets party till dawn and die!

Monday, February 12, 2007

yeah!!! i wasnt late today!!!


a big thank to jovanna for wishing me!!!


i think that my itp company is kinda cool!!

the boss gave us a briefing about the company and his experiences in middle east and indian. the briefing wasnt brief at all!! lols!!

basically, they are mainly doing installation, upgrading and maintenance of starhub cable, satellite dish and some damn cool cctvs.

after the briefing i was assigned to help this 30 year old guy call kelvin, lols, on the upgrading of the hubber's cables and some antennas at ntu staff apartment.

remembered some of those acs thingy today.

but the funny thing is..

starhub is using digital signals nowadays....


oh ya, ntu is tmd big!!!

this is the first day of my attachment!!


im still wake at this hour!!

lets hope that i will not be late and get sacked/retrenched/fired on the first day!!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Saturday, February 10, 2007

edward you blardy bugger pangseh kia chaonoob!!


wonderful well done tap nice one!!!

we went out to celebrate your birthday you keep on saying will come will come in the end just disappear like that blardy hell alex that owe me money!!

nabei!! you celebrate your next birthday in camp sua!!

best is got outfield then you can celebrate with wild boar!!

*due to some miscommunications, intentionally. by ron. edward was not 100% at fault.
amended at 12-2-2007 3:17am

Friday, February 9, 2007

exams are over

the last semester of year 2 has ended

but im not feeling excited about it


and by the way

i think i have screwed my logic design paper today


the maths paper was easy as compared to the past yr papers.

but due to the pathetic hrs of sleep,

ive forgotten the formula that i studied 20mins before the exam.

20marks or so were gone.

hope that 明天會更好 la.


Thursday, February 8, 2007

周華健, 齊豫 - 神話情話(1995/無線《神鵰俠侶》主題曲)

愛是愉快 是難過 是陶醉 是情緒 或在日後視作傳奇
愛是盟約 是習慣 是時間 是白髮 也叫你我乍驚乍喜
完全遺忘自己 竟可相許生與死
來日誰來問起 天高風急雙雙遠飛

愛是微笑 是狂笑 是傻笑 是玩笑 或是為著害怕寂寥
愛是何價 是何故 在何世 又何以 對這世界雪中送火
誰還祈求什麼 可歌可泣的結果
誰能承受後果 翻天覆海不枉最初

啊 有你有我雪中送火

愛在迷迷糊糊盤古初開便開始 這浪浪漫漫舊故事
愛在朦朦朧朧前生今生和他生 怕錯過了也不會知
跌落茫茫紅塵南北西東亦相依 怕獨自活著沒意義
愛是來來回回情絲一絲又一絲 至你與我此生永不闊別時

omg i definitely miss this show!!! and the song la!!!

anyone out there watched this series before?



why everytime before exam also cannot sleep one!!!!!!!!!!

die la!!!!!!!

i dowan to repeat my o-level-a-maths-paper-1-incident!!!!!!!!!


im still eating instant noodles at this moment!!

pray that i can wake up on time!!

oh my! this is interesting!

lets start helping the refugee youth by simply doing nothing!!


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

okay, the microcontroller tech paper wasnt as tough as i expected.

but i think the MCQs have ruined my getting-an-A plan.

2 more papers left.

need to start from scratch for maths.

as for logic design, at least i know whats going on.

not gonna wear ankle socks tomorrow later.

as i need to pull up my socks. = ="


Tuesday, February 6, 2007


i cant sleep!

im in deep shit now!

tomorrow later is the microcontroller technology paper.

i think im only 15% prepared.

luckily it starts at 2pm.

hope that nothing much on theory will come out.

wish me good luck!

good night!

Monday, February 5, 2007

regret doing something


regret not doing something

Saturday, February 3, 2007

the analog systems paper yesterday was kinda not tough.

however, due the laziness of the mighty me, i wont be scoring an A for it, im certain of that.

now, i have no idea of what the the next paper, mircocontroller technology, is all about.

registers, ports, oscillators, the damn PIC18F452, etc, etc.

張艾嘉 - 童年

池塘邊的榕樹下 知了在聲聲叫著夏天
操場邊的鞦韆上 只有蝴蝶停在上面
黑板上老師的粉筆還在拼命 吱吱喳喳寫個不停
等待著下課 等待著放學 等待遊戲的童年

福利社裡面什麼都有 就是口袋裡沒有半毛錢
諸葛四郎和魔鬼黨 到底誰搶到那隻寶劍
隔壁班的那個男孩 怎麼還沒經過我的窗前
嘴裡的零食 手裡的漫畫 心裡初戀的童年

總是要等到睡覺前 才知道功課只做了一點點
總是要等到考試以後 才知道該唸的書都沒有唸

一寸光陰一寸金 老師說過寸金難買寸光陰
一天又一天 一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年

沒有人知道為什麼 太陽總下到山的那一邊
沒有人能夠告訴我 山裡面有沒有住著神仙
多少的日子裡總是一個人 面對著天空發呆
就這麼好奇 就這麼幻想 這麼孤單的童年

陽光下蜻蜓飛過來 一片片綠油油的稻田
水彩蠟筆和萬花筒 畫不天邊那一條彩虹
什麼時候才能像高年級的同學 有張成熟與長大的臉
盼望著假期 盼望著明天 盼望長大的童年

哦 一天又一天 一年又一年 盼望長大的童年

Friday, February 2, 2007

i've got something for you!

the cat is moaning again... =.=
as usual..