Sunday, April 12, 2009

it have been 2 weeks since i came back home, due to the live firing that falls on a sunday. very hectic and tiring. had 1 games day, 2 field camp and 3 live firing in the past 2 weeks. only got back to camp at near mid-night the day before good friday. after that was cleaning of arms and preparation for the coming field camp. (yes, there is one more field camp tomorrow. the field camp which is gonna kill most of us.) basically we didnt get to sleep until we book out on good friday morning. everyone is so shag but what to do, this is army. T.T

oh ya, im flying off to thailand on the 23 of april. although the current situation in thailand isnt very pleasant but im not afraid. the only thing i worry about is the weather there. lol. hope that i can endure thru the coming field camp and then thailand. =)